Hi! I hope you all had a wonderful summer. Mine was fantastic,
although very hectic. You may have noticed that my name is different on
the title page of this _Outlook. I am proud and happy to be Mrs. Stephen
Dresser. Steve and I were married August 2nd. After spending a terrific,
restful week in the Poconos, we spent the rest of the month merging two
households into one. Needless to say, with all this going on, the summer
seemed to vanish in the blink of an eye. Now I am back at work, though,
and life is beginning to settle down to some semblance of normalcy.
With regard to CCB news, I am very excited about our brochure.
Everyone tells me it looks great! Thanks to John Mattioli for designing
it, and to Dave Sullivan of Manchester, who donated time and materials to
print it for us, we received a thousand copies in August. Since these
brochures are an important part of our publicity campaign, it's up to all
of us to distribute them throughout the state. There are many places to
circulate them--church groups, doctors' offices, civic groups, schools,
non-profit organizations, corporations, etc. The sky is the limit! Please
contact April Hutchins for your brochures. Thanks.
The CCB toll-free number has just been moved from Hamden to West
Hartford, and is linked to the voice-mail system. Therefore, we no longer
need to use the answering machine, since all calls, both local and toll-
free, will be answered by the voice-mail. Since the system has several
mailboxes, one has been assigned to each of our committees. The box
numbers will be included in the list of CCB standing committees at the back
of this newsletter. I hope someone from each committee will take advantage
of this new way to reach out to members of the community. Please feel free
to call Steve Dresser if you want to learn how to use the voice-mail
We are busy gearing up for the fall convention which, as you know,
will be held October 24th through 26th. This is our first official
overnight convention, which you asked for in the convention survey, so I
hope you'll make every effort to attend.
There are some important issues we need to address at our business
meeting. First of all, we need to elect a treasurer to serve for the next
year. Also, our scholarship fund is down to $1900. The board determined
that, in order to keep this fund viable, we cannot award another
scholarship unless this fund contains $3000 by February 1st, when the
scholarship notice goes out. In that case, we have some serious fund
raising to do in the next few months. I'd also like to discuss committee
appointments for the coming year, and priorities for CCB.
See you at the convention!
--Marcia Nigro Dresser
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