by Kim Soucy

     I have just finished reading the June newsletter.  "The Importance Of
    Finance," by John Mattioli, got me thinking again and gave me the
    courage to propose an idea I came up with some time ago.  John
    mentioned several "old ways" of fundraising, which reminded me of the
    benefit dances BESB used to hold.  Personally, I miss them, and think
    we should have one for CCB.

     Because of my mother, Shirley Phelon, my sisters and I have been
    attending such events for as long as I can remember.  The Benefit Dance
    was always my favorite, and I looked forward to it every year.  In
    fact, Roland and I cut our honeymoon short so we could make it back in
    time for the BESB dance.

     BESB would rent a hall, hire a D.J., and give out door prizes. You
    would buy tickets for drinks, and each table would bring their own
    munchies.  Everyone had a great time, and a good chance to catch up
    with old friends.

     I think CCB could pull off a successful dance, but before we start
    making plans we need to know how many people are interested and would
    be willing to sell tickets.  I have already called several friends and
    know about 35 people who are willing to buy a ticket.

     If you have any questions or comments, or would like to help plan a
    benefit dance for CCB, you can call me at (860) 895-8157 or Shirley at
    (860) 289-5697.  We'd like to hear from you.
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