Just a reminder that it's time to pay CCB dues for 1998. We're
growing, and we need you.
Please make your check for $15 payable to the Connecticut Council of
the Blind. Remember that if you want to join Guide Dog Users of
Connecticut, the dues will be $20, payable to CCB/GDUCT. Please send all
checks to Treasurer Roland Soucy, 15 Shawnee Road, East Hartford, CT 06118.
If you have already paid your dues for 1998, thank you!
It is essential that we receive your check by Monday, February 23
because the deadline for us to submit our membership list and national dues
to ACB is March 15. If we don't meet this deadline, we will not be allowed
to vote as a state affiliate at the ACB national convention this summer.
Please let us know if you would be willing to serve on one of CCB's
committees (refer to the list of committees and chairmen in the back of
this newsletter). You may contact chairmen directly, or leave a message
indicating your interests at our toll-free number, (800) 231-3349, or (860)
521-6749 if you live in the Hartford area.
Thanks very much for your interest and active participation in CCB.
Together, we can and _do make a difference!
Table of Contents
Our Mission
Other Resources
CCB Home Page